Porcelarts Instructor Courses
本課程証書由日本Vogue Club 頒授, 本課程導師Terese Chan由2014年起教授此課程,亦曾於2020 - 2023年間多次獲得瓷器彩繪奬項,其中一個佳作奬是由日本Vogue Club 頒授。
Certified by Japan Vogue Club, certified instructors are qualified to teach Porcelarts instructor class. Students have to finish the 10 appointed porcelain assignment project and the graduation works to obtain the certificate.
** 上課時間彈性 Flexible time schedule
** 學員修畢相關認可證書課程後, 除可擁有專業資格任教相關課程外, 更可教授學員考取同等認可證書資格, 並可享有特惠批發價格購貨。
**詳情歡迎致電 /whatsapp : 9614 7282 / 預約到本工作室查詢
Porcelarts Instructor Course ~ Ultraman family by student Suet!! Super cute and lovely set!! 😍😍👍🏻👍🏻
Porcelarts Instructor Course final project ~ Mosaic tea set by student Momoko Suen!
Porcelarts Instructor Certificates sent by Japan Vogue Club~
Graduation project done by student Yuceila Lo! Stunning work!!
Hail Mary Plate by Daisy Chan
Jewellery box by Alicia Lai~
Flamingo plate by Noelle Kwan~
Final project tea set by student Chloe Huang~
Final project tea set by student Chloe Huang~