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Porcelarts Freestyle ( Chinese New Box)

2 hr
$300 up
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Service Description

Chinese New Year candy box, participants will be free to choose any style of candy box from our collection of porcelain and selection of decorative decals to create their own unique pieces of porcelain art. All finished artworks are food safe as tableware. We have a large library of decorative decals from Japan to cater your artistic inclinations. All classes by appointment. Fees: HKD300up (not including materials. Charges will be depending on the materials of your choice) Except for instructor level classes, there is an overtime surcharge of HKD100/hour for all other Porcelarts classes. Overtime will be charged 30 minutes after stipulated end of class. All classes by appointment ONLY. Please refer to our calendar when you make an appointment. For more information : 9614 7282 ​ 新春將至 ,是時候製作一個獨一無二又別具個人風格的全盒。 可以和自家家居容合,既好意頭又充滿新春氣氛。 全盒原本稱作「攢盒」,「攢」字有拼湊及聚合的意思。 因「攢」與「全」同音,後來「攢盒」被寫為「全盒」,寓意十全十美。在中國的傳統風俗上,亦含有不同的好意頭。 本店獨有傳統中式7格大全盒,7格就是七巧的意思,像七巧板一樣靈巧,意思代表所有東西都剛剛好。 學員可在本店內自由選擇心儀的瓷器全盒及日本專用轉寫紙,導師會遵照學員的個人喜好教授他們創作一個具個人風格獨一無二的作品。 本工作室有大量瓷器及日本瓷器專用轉寫紙可供選擇,上課時間彈性,可預約上課或自組小班上課。 學費:$ 300起(不包括瓷器,日本專用瓷器轉寫紙及燒焗費 , 費用視乎學員所選之材料而定) - 所有課程(除導師課程),超時HK$100/小時 (半小時開始作一小時計算)。 - 所有課程都必須預約,預約時間請參照本工作室每月時間表。 任何查詢 : 9614 7282

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

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